The 13th Anniversary of TMP 2007 -2034
13 Years Down, 14 Years to Go

The Metanoia Project (TMP) 2007-2034 was launched in 2007 and continues to be CBACS’ method of consciously contributing to the transformation of British culture. We do so by committing ourselves as Descendants of Enslaved Africans (DoEA) to achieving William Wilberforce’s second project: the reformation of manners (culture). The focus of TMP is on us, as DoEAs, achieving this goal since we are the ones historically and spiritually positioned and equipped to do so.
In 2020 the work of TMP has never been more important, with the fore fronting of The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. A response from DoEAs in the US to continued racial injustice, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. The BLM movement is necessitated given the espoused values of Western societies: i.e. justice, democracy, meritocracy, equality, freedom, human rights and the like for ALL. These values are not, however, being realised in the life experience of DoEAs continuing to be unconsciously assimilated, socialised and stratified ‘black’ relative to ‘white’ in these societies.

TMP 2007-2034 is fundamentally about the rehumanisation of ourselves, ‘showing reverence for our own soul, the mystic centre of our being’, something we are reminded is not just an obligation we owe ourselves as a people but also the wider world. With this it’s important to acknowledge the wider relevance of December 10th as it’s also International Human Rights Day. And that the ongoing issues faced by DoEAs are human rights issues that must be overcome for the shared humanity of the world.
Also on this the 13th anniversary we are announcing an upcoming publication from Dr Gloria Gordon: ‘Towards Bicultural Competence: Our Rendezvous with Destiny’. Following on from her PhD thesis titled ‘Towards Bicultural Competence: Researching for Personal and Professional Transformations’ (1997) and published book ‘Towards Bicultural Competence: Beyond Black and White’ (Trentham Books, 2007).