
Colourful Radio Interview

Jacqueline Malcolm, the skilful and endearing host of JabberTalk at Colourful Radio, quickly got me sharing ‘my story’ of transformational change, the result of race-based crisis in 1990 and more recently in 2015. It was heartwarming to have a conversation with Jacqui and Pixie. They could both empathise with the challenges we faced as ‘black’ children/young people in navigating the challenges of the school system in the 60s and 70s. This is now having arrived at our ‘eldership’ years in 2019.

As such, we got carried away with the conversation of how I had arrived at a collective community vision as opposed to the normal focus on evolving an individual career path…

What I did not overtly acknowledge, however, is that crisis in shattering my ‘black’ ego-identity simultaneously overwhelmed me with the force of GENERATIVE DESIRE. I realised the need to create an academically-based legacy for future generations of Descendents of Enslaved Africans (DoEAs) as ‘the plot of land given us to cultivate in human life’. This is in creating a sound knowledge-based legacy, the basis of doctoral studies, to be passed on generationally in my role as an academic employed by a higher education institution…

This is for our next JabberTalk Conversation…

You can listen to the interview below, it starts at the 5:30 mark.